The village itself turns out to be really nice. It has a population of about 300, 2 shops selling the basics (tomatoes, cucumber and salt) a small bar and a big bar, which doubles as a disco on Friday and Saturday; a bit reminiscent of junior Madison’s in Daventry, but with more remixed folk music and less sick. Sam has described the dancing style as screwing in light bulbs which I think is fairly accurate.
I am pleased to say that the village is great; mainly due to the people. We have made friends with a few neighbours namely, Ivan (aka no-teeth ivan who’s sister, it turns out, used to live in our house, which may partially explain why he feels comfortable coming and going as he pleases; Hristo, who speaks a little English and used to work for Karl Ziess, he has kindly let us use his water supply until ours is installed; Minka (aka minky) who has decided that Sam needs to have showers and we need to eat walnut cake on as regular a basis as possible to ensure survival. Between them and a few others who’s names I cannot remember, we have been plied with eggs, honey, jam, the odd beer and plenty of Rakir (grape brandy) which we understand is probably better as a mozi repellent than a drink.
It’s fair to say that our initial visit to the house came as a bit of a shock, it’s a bit of a of state. Thankfully Pete warned us to expect the worst before we arrived. It’s not that it is any worse than it was 2 years ago – it’s just that now it is real… very real. Since our first trip, we have done a bit of clearance work and now feel much more comfortable about it. The roof needs a fair amount of work which we are contemplating having done for us… we will see. We are also working on getting water and electricity hooked up so that the place is a bit more habitable.
Despite the generosity of our neighbours and the success of the solar showers (would definitely recommend them) the lack of facilities has taken it’s toll. All plans of roughing it for 4 months have gone out of the window and Sam and I have decided that toilets are not luxuries afforded to only to the rich and famous. She and I are now renting an old ladies flat in a nearby town called Sevlievo – you’ve probably heard of it – which is ‘dobre’ (which means either “good” or “ok” depending upon how excited one is when one says it) and only costs £50 per month all in… so not breaking the bank just yet. It has a shower , toilet and tv showing dubbed versions of popular American daytime tv (loving the hanging with mr cooper re-runs).
Anyway, enough for now, as we have a few things to get on with! I’ll leave you with a snap I took of Veliko Turnovo from the window of our hostel. Ciao ciao
put sevlievo in google and went to a lovely site with lots of photos - looks really interesting place...
put burja in and got a usa agricultural site about plums and it seems that burja has a significant gay community - bulgayria ha ha.
love j
I cannot believe you've pussied out into a granny flat already, what a gimp. The lure of cheap American tv and a proper shitter has come between you and your big adventure.
Ivan sounds like a laugh - probably get on with Clayson.
Looking forward to learning the lightbulb.
Looks ice mate - beats the view of the new B & Q they are building next to Stevenage railway line that I look at from the office all day...
You not got your sky tv / broadband satellite set up yet?! lazy b*stard!
all the very, Ears
Very nice very nice...looks gorgeous out there...looking fwd to seeing it in all it's derelict glory next month...
...some news from home...i just saw Mark Taylor on the F Word (Gordon Ramsey's Show)...from what i remember he was really enjoying his main course and shared a few words of delight with the General British channel 4 watching Public...
F-word! Rude... he told me he was gonna be on, but siad he would resemble a bit of a spesh, due to nerves - what a chump.
Deeks - the lighbulb is top dollar. Also found out ivan is in fact called bi-ivan... not yet explored what I think this might mean.
We do have a gay population of 4 apparently. Not met them yet, but pete is working on it... better than a gypo with a tash?
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