Here it is then. Chez Welsby... palatial isn't it?
Yes I know the roof is made of stones... and it seems to be missing the odd pane of glass... and it seems to have a tree growing out of it... and it is currently the home of hundreds of bees; but soon, this place will be the house of our dreams.
Once we get the solar panels and the dry toilet in, it might even be habitable. Then all we need to do is hook up some water, electricity and gas, add a pool and turn that front window into a projector room and we'll be sorted. Then, we can move onto the barn: 
So... I'm off to Bulgaria with Sam, Pete and Merle for a few months and thought it might be wise to document it somehow. I'm gonna try to keep a diary of what we all get up to, as well as producing an idiots guide to running away and restoring a house... so when the rest of the UK arrive here, which it seems is inevitable if the girl from scottish widows has anything to do with it, they will know how to raze a perfectly good house to the ground, how to grow some funny looking vegetables and learn that keeping bees is not the best way to diagnose whether or not you get anaphylactic shock. Either way, it should be fun. Ill get round to uploading a 'before' picture, so that in 18 months time we three (cos merle cant read, and lets be honest here: people who think pets are replacemnts for people are just fucking stupid) can look back at what we have done. So with no technical knowledge, very little money and limited common sense we're off... god help us.